Jonathan Broadbent
He has worked with organisations such as ConocoPhillips, Eversheds Sutherland, MG Motors and Kantar Worldpanel – developing immersive strategies that get to the heart of brands. He creates articulations through imaginative ideas that promote an organisation’s core values and bring their story to life. From producing outstanding national press advertising and TV spots for companies such as MG Motors, to leading talented creative teams to produce entire integrated campaigns ‒ Jonathan has worked across a broad spectrum of traditional and digital marketing channels.
In recent years he has applied his skills in the financial sector. Working with companies such as Flagstone Investment Management, Munnypot and Arc & Co, Jonathan has developed compelling brands, effective sales funnels through smart user experience, and lead generation in the digital space. This has led to the agency he founded in 2015, Fly Agency creating evolving platforms and products that benefit the sector.
By immersing himself in multiple projects of different sizes and disciplines, Jonathan is comfortable producing and overseeing high quality creative work through a vast range of creative and digital media ‒ injecting a sense of passion and pride in the work he produces.